Take a look at Jim's Khemri Team

As one of our more bashy Blood Bowl players we take a look at Jim's Khemri and the style that he plays, expect to use that apothecary early in the game!
“When the team arrived I was not disappointed with the figures they were beautifully crafted and extremely detailed to the point that I was worried my painting skills wouldn't do them justice.”
So why Khemri?
Well as most of you have probably worked out I do like to play bash sides so as a new player when I looked at the Khemri team and saw all that strength 5 I thought wow I really want to play them but I was told that they are rubbish because they can't pick the ball up and are not a good team for a beginner.
About a year later I was browsing the internet for figures when I came across a Khemri side by R N Estudio and was so impressed that I was inspired to have another look at the roster. After studying the stats for Khemri players I decided that they might not be as bad as I had been told after all 4 up is a 50% chance which might seem awful to a player who is used to rolling a 2 up but I was happy to give them a go so bought the team from R N Estudio.
The first thing I did was go online and research the classic colours for Egyptian mummies, Anubis and Horus eventually settling on gold, blue and white with the occasional red highlight.
I painted the figures using Vallejo colours dead flesh, dirty bone, polished gold, dragon blue, gory red, flat yellow, pure white, pure black and bronze flesh tone. Once this was done I then brushed on army painter quick shade soft tone as a wash before dry brushing to bring out some of the highlights, because the army painter quick shade dries to a gloss finish I then went over it where I wanted a matt finish with Vallejo matt acrylic varnish. For the basses I wanted a desert theme so used PVA glue to cote them with sand then sealed this in place with a coat of the Vallejo matt acrylic varnish which dries clear and stops any of the sand from coming off during play, on top of this I added CITADEL middenland tufts.
Now that the figures looked great I just had to learn how to use them on the pitch and do them justice so decided on the following skills as they progress.
Tomb Guardians:- Guard then Mighty Blow with Block if you role a double.
Anubis Blitzers:- Tackle then Mighty Blow with Dodge if you role a double.
Horus Throwers:- Accurate then Block with Dodge if you role a double.
Skeletons:- Block then Tackle with Dodge if you role a double.
In 2019 I took them to the NAF Championships at Nottingham where I could afford a full team and 6 skills so I gave 2 Tomb Guardians Guard, both the Anubis Blitzer's Tackle and both the Horus Throwers Accurate then gave the other 2 Tomb Guardians Guard on the second day. On arrival I found that I was the only player using Khemri out of over 120 but had a great time watching my opponents despair as I played a passing game with them, in the end I came 63rd with 3 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss while as a race Khemri came joint 3rd with Bretonians a whole 2 places above Wood Elves!
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