Started in 2020 with funding from the Managed Care Network for Mental Health in Lincolnshire the Gainsborough Vikings was set up as an extension of Gobstyks, but with it's own identity.
The new members of the Vikings decided on the mascot of the Troll linking Gainsborough's Norse heritage to the club. They also wanted to use the name Vikings but keep the fantasy element which is why the troll was chosen over an actual Viking, ensuring that new members would recognise the Vikings as a gaming club rather than a historical society.
Meeting on Sundays in the Gainsborough market square many members of Gobstyks have show their support with games being played similar to Gobstyks, but on a smaller level. Vikings runs two role play groups meeting on alternative weeks, Blood Bowl, 40k, Age of Sigmar and a dedicated Magic the Gathering group.
For information about the Gainsborough Vikings
Lincolnshire Managed Care Network
The Managed Care Network is an alliance of county-wide community groups and organisations delivering a variety of support activities, services and projects which provide people with structure and choice in their lives contributing to individuals' emotional wellbeing within their own community.
The Mental Health Promotion Fund that underpins this network is a partnership which has historically been provided by Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT). The management of the network was now handed over from LPFT to Shine Lincolnshire to for the 2021/22 wave 11.
The funding aims to support people to live well and independently in their own homes and communities with access to a range of activities and services that promote outcomes including:
• reduced social isolation,
• contributing to mental health recovery
• contributing to positive mental health and resilience
• contributing to improved health and wellbeing
• supporting with signposting to other relevant services
• providing choice for people with a mental illness including serious mental illness
• supporting with independence
• making new social connections
• learning new skills
The fund was a £318,750 investment and saw 48 applications split into East, West and South resulting in 34 successful projects.
For information about the Managed Care Network Projects
Lincolnshire Co-operative
The Lincolnshire Co-op set up the Community Champions as a way of thanking local people who are involved in supporting their communities.
Gobstyks successfully bid for funding through this scheme which allowed us to rebuild our website and pay for hosting so we can show our community everything that we do at Gobstyks.
For more information on the Community Champions programme or how to make your own bid then visit